Troubled waters: Residents accuse contractors of using dredging project to mine black sand
Cagayan Governor Manuel Mamba Sr. adamantly denied that the contractors are mining black sand in the town of Aparri
Cagayan Governor Manuel Mamba Sr. adamantly denied that the contractors are mining black sand in the town of Aparri
A project meant to help restore a major river in Aparri has wreaked havoc on the livelihood of local fisherfolk
In its proposed 2023 budget, the agriculture department is set to slash about PhP211 million in “Irrigation Network Service”
Caritas Philippines has been encouraging government and private institutions to promote and invest in renewables such as solar panel systems “as the impacts of the climate crisis continue to worsen.”
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines issued a pastoral letter calling for unity and action to address our biggest challenge yet - climate emergency and planetary crisis.