#LaudatoSiSunday: Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

January 7, 2024

Today is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. In the Gospel, we learned that the three wise men from the East guided by a star paid homage to Jesus and “offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Mt 2: 9-11)

In the lowly abode, Christ manifested himself as a servant-leader who rules with love and humility, as God who sanctifies, and as a human who lived amongst us, died, and has risen.

“… having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod,”  the magi then “departed for their country by another way.” (Mt. 2:12)

Now that Jesus reveals himself to us, we are all called to change our ways like what the magi did. And what is the way of Jesus? The way of love: love God and love our neighbor as we love God!

But always remember that with God’s Incarnation, he is Emmanuel, himself the Word from the very beginning of Creation!

Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ says: “An integral ecology includes… contemplating the Creator who lives among us and surrounds us, whose presence ‘must not be contrived but found, uncovered’.” (LS, 225) “… for the Son of God has incorporated in his person part of the material world, planting in it a seed of definitive transformation.” (LS, 235)

Sisters and brothers, let this Epiphany be a way of “definitive transformation” for “he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward.” (LS, 245)

Beyond the fireworks are candlelight and silence. Beyond thrilling cheers and laughter are sobs and tears. Beyond New Year’s treats are empty dining tables; beyond this joy, a painful wail.

Let us then find Jesus manifested in those who need the most, listening and acting on the cries of the earth and the poor!

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