#LaudatoSi’Sunday: Corpus Christi Sunday

June 11, 2023

Peace be with you. A blessed #LaudatoSiSunday, everyone!

Today is Corpus Christi Sunday. Let’s join Fr. Reynor Munsayac, OP, in his reflection.

John 6:51-58

Today, Jesus reminds us about God incarnate. God unites himself with humanity through Jesus Christ. That’s why God knows our sentiments. He himself experienced hunger and thirst. 

Through the bread and wine from the land and the sweat of our labor, Jesus offered His body and blood as food – bread, and wine from the fruit of the vine and wheat. Therefore, it is right to take care of nature because it is where our food comes from – food that gives us life.

And in every food that we throw away, let us be reminded that these food are being denied to our suffering brethren. 

In this time of the pandemic, many are hungry and thirsty. May we become Christ to each other, ready to sacrifice ourselves to give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty with love and compassion.

As Pope Francis says in Laudato Si’ number 236:

“Joined to the incarnate Son, present in the Eucharist, the whole cosmos gives thanks to God… The Eucharist joins heaven and earth; it embraces and  penetrates all creation… … directing us to be  stewards of all creation.”

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