A 40-day prayer campaign

October 5, 2021

40 days of prayer lead up to next phase of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announces a 40-day campaign of prayers based on the Laudato Si’ Goals, for communities joining the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

The prayer campaign supports the seven sectors joining the Laudato Si’ Action Platform with a dedicated day of prayer for each, connecting each sector with a Laudato Si’ Goal. 

The full set of prayers is available here. The prayer campaign begins on 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis, and concludes on 14 November, the World Day of Prayer for the Poor. 

14 November will occasion the next phase in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. On that date, Laudato Si’ Planning Guides and all related materials will be published, and members of the universal Church will be invited to make a firm commitment to creating their own Laudato Si’ Plans. 

While the next phase in the platform had been planned for 4 October, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development sees a need to continue building on the dynamic conversations taking place with nearly 200 additional partners. 

DOWNLOAD ALL THE MATERIALS at the links here below:

  • Letters of Cardinal Turkson
  • Prayers
  • Press release for partners. Given the fact that partners are very likely to edit/rewrite this, it is in English only, serving as a source of inspiration more than a template to be followed exactly. This can also serve as a set of talking points, in case partners receive questions.
  • Social media posts and one-pagers. These are in all languages and include all of the individual prayers (in different sizes for different platforms), a cover image (for different platforms) and a 1-pager PDF for people to print. 
  • The Pope Francis video is on the YouTube page in all languages.

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