Anti-mining group urges authorities to review reclamation projects in Manila Bay

July 6, 2023

Alyansa Tigil Mina on Wednesday has called on the environment department to “pursue its planned review” of the reclamation projects in Manila Bay.

The group said there is a link between seabed quarrying and the reclamation projects, “which violate regulatory laws as well as negatively impact communities.”

Jaybee Garganera, national coordinator of the group, said sand from different seabed quarrying sites are “supplied” to the reclamation projects in Manila Bay.

He said fishermen in Zambales reported that the sand from the offshore mining in the area is brought to the capital. 

“We are highly critical of reclamation projects precisely because they involve seabed quarrying, and possibly offshore mining,” said Garganera.  

The anti-mining group also reported that seabed quarrying in Cavite province is conducted “close to the shore,” which “is contrary to the project proponent’s assurance that quarrying would be done far from the shore.”

He called on the environment department “to undertake an impact assessment or cost-benefit analysis of seabed quarrying and offshore mining projects”. 

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