Caritas Philippines to hold ‘Bike for Kalikasan’ from Manila Cathedral to La Mesa Dam

October 6, 2022

About a thousand bikers are expected to join the “Bike for Kalikasan” in the Philippine capital to mark the end of this year’s “Season of Creation” of the Catholic Church.

The bikers will ride for 32 kilometers from the Manila Cathedral to La Mesa Dam Nature Reserve Park in Quezon City on October 8.

As of October 5, more than 800 bikers have already registered for the event, which will also launch the “Caritas Bamboo Forest Project.”

The project aims to establish bamboo forests in all 85 dioceses in at least five years.

Caritas Philippines said several bike events will also be done in dioceses across the country “to push for more aggressive environmental advocacies.”

The advocacies include the “Rights of Nature,” the Verde Island Passage campaign, just renewable energy transition, divestment, solid waste management, and mobilizations against mining, coal, fossil gas, and other extractive industries.

Caritas Philippines urged the faithful to “make our actions stronger than our words.”

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